Friday, September 10, 2010

End of the Road

For reasons I won't detail here, I've decided to end this blog prematurely. No big crisis here, babies are fine, but for my own reasons this isn't something I want to continue.

Thank you for reading and (hopefully) enjoying my words over the past year!

Best regards,


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Days

I imagine that Hurricane Earl spied our late-staying visitor, summer, and swept her away to sea. Whether he can take credit or not, I really cannot say, but by his or someone else's good graces, the air here has finally changed. Windows are open to the across-the-street neighbor's last-of-summer pool party, and while newscasters lament the end of the season at the shore, the third floor set is in a great state of rejoicing.

The crisper sunshine and cooler breezes have initiated a lovely weekend which I record for the sake of remembrance here:

Friday our offices closed early so Gus and I drove home together and enjoyed a siesta before my acupuncture appointment downtown. We caught a later dinner at Jack's Firehouse across from the Eastern State Penitentiary before heading home to our first full night without the air conditioner since May.

Yesterday, a mid-day walk, innocuous enough but unheard of these many months, and a visit again to my favorite store Terrain. For lunch, Gus' vegetarian sandwich and the Sunday crossword. That evening, a drive downtown to Matyson BYOB where we met up with friends for a fantastic dinner. Below, my attempt at making elastic waistband hip and fashionable:

Note my fabulous Hermes mini scarf which I tied to my bag!

Today, after pancakes in bed (how luxurious!), another breezy walk followed by a trip to JoAnn Fabrics for a few Halloween projects, inspired by the most recent issue of Country Living. Laundry hung outside, I worked on an embroidery project while Gus studied. We caught an early evening show ("The American" with George Clooney) and plan to tuck into lentil soup with baguette and cheese for dinner.

Life is so good!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Final Exam

Across Penn’s campus, freshman and their families are unloading dorm room essentials onto every available space on the sidewalk, IKEA lamps wobbling in their stands and full-length mirrors reflecting the searing sunshine. Earlier this morning, on my walk to the train, the first bright yellow school bus of the year rumbled by down the streets of Ardmore, a smattering of kids forlornly gazing out the windows at the end of summer.

Although the weather outside doesn’t betray it, fall is here in that the start of the school year is here. Gus also is beginning what will be his last semester of his last year of his last degree for life. He’s now a “Super Senior,” the heroic name for students in the program’s last stretch. Instead of a typical course load, his time is now split between three clinical days and two study days, either structured in a classroom or at home. The focus for the students is now on passing their board exam, which to the tune of $700 gives you one more reason to pass the first go 'round.

A study center has been set up in our apartment. A square wooden table, which I had used for sewing but which had fallen into disuse due to the air conditioner in a very nearby window, has been moved to a corner of our bedroom. A lamp and a Mason jar of pencils and highlighters has been added to teetering towers of books, notes, and PowerPoint printouts to be intensely reviewed and re-reviewed over the next months before the exam is scheduled.