Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pretty Pinafore

My mom recently forwarded my sister and me an email about the virtue of aprons and their many uses, and likely how few modern young women are familiar with these once staples of the home. I commented that this certainly isn't true of her daughters, as both of us are tried and true wearers of this homemaker's staple. My sister's apron is one that I made for her a few years ago, and for Christmas this year I made aprons for a few family and friends. I also made one for my mom for her birthday last year.

So it came as a great surprise when I emailed the two again to admit that, presently, I do not have an apron of my very own. The few I do own didn't make the cut, and await my return in our storage unit. Since then, I have had to make due with tying a dishtowel around my neck, or wearing an old sweatshirt over a hostess outfit.

Well, this most certainly would not do! So, with their encouragement, I took advantage of today's dreary raininess to make a quick run to the fabric store and whip up a smock of my very own. Here are the pleasing results!


  1. very cute apron, i love the colors!!!!

  2. by the way, is there a back view picture? i would like to see how it ties....

  3. Ah, Paris? And I like the green boots!
