Monday, July 26, 2010


Okay Philly, I'm semi sorta slightly sorry, but only just.

The wet heat built and built until the pressure burst and a rumbling storm crashed through the city, slapping and swirling its wet, windy way east, lightening in streaks across the dark sky. When I stepped outside after my acupuncture appointment into its drizzly aftermath, I found the air surprisingly...nice? Clean. Breathable. By the time we arrived home, it was downright lovely. The air conditioners shuddered to a welcome stop and windows were yanked open to welcome the fresh breezy air and birdsong, temperatures which fell to the unfamiliar mid-60s by morning.

Maybe it's not so bad here after all, only just ever so slightly maybe and that's completely contingent on this livable weather pattern sticking around. Otherwise, we're back to shameless spit and vinegar.

1 comment:

  1. Well, well, well....weren't we a little on the testy side yesterday! Today you sound much better. I had a chat with your mom and she shared something special with me....I'm not sharing with anyone. Hmm...sounds like maybe the acupuncture appointments have done the trick. My O My! It was so good seeing you. ALL of you, at the wedding ..Diana
