Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sunrise, Sunset

I've fell into a pattern of late where first thing after I wake up, I log on to the computer to check the news and weather and catch up on the latest gossip. I haven't stretched or hardly even opened my eyes and already I'm staring at a glaring screen. This habit has been made even worse lately as now it's pitch black at six in the morning. This doesn't feel like the best way to start the day - there's no transition between day and night, rest and activity, the Land of Nod and the City of Brotherly Love. I've been welcoming each new day with negative and often unnecessary information. What on earth am I doing reading about Kanye West and his ridiculous antics before the sun is even up?
When my mom visited in August, we drove to Ephrata's Cloister and she bought me a fraktur inscribed with the words: May every sunrise bring you hope and every sunset contentment. I've used this wonderful quote as the basis for a new habit I am hoping to form. Before I retire each evening and first thing when I rise, I am practicing just ten minutes of yoga. This brief pause allows me to gently close the curtain on each day, regardless of its contents, and a simple and positive way to begin the next day, opening myself to whatever lies ahead.

After I finish yoga in the evening, I leave my mat out (for Gus to step on when he gets up and) because when I wake, it is the first thing I see. In order to even get to the computer, I have to cross over the yoga mat so why not stay for a spell and start the day out right? Here's to replacing a bad habit with a good one!

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