Monday, August 9, 2010

Panza Llena

On Saturday, Gus made a big pot of pinto beans, which meant this morning I was in for a real treat. For breakfast, he made homemade refried beans and eggs with a flour tortilla. The only item that would have made it better was some fresh salsa, but we were short on time and tomatoes so, next time. In any event, the true breakfast of champions!
In other news, today was the first day I found I couldn't button my favorite pair of Sevens so I had to cut the tags off my "Tummy Tube" and slip it on. It's very comfortable and definitely does the job of extending the life of your pre-pregnancy jeans because you can leave the jeans unbuttoned and the tube keeps them in place.

So far, the most annoying part of being pregnant, since I seemed to have skipped morning sickness, has been the vast quantities of unsolicited and unwanted advice that comes your way from anyone and everyone who has ever had a baby or been within a one mile radius of a baby sometime in the last sixty years. Amongst the masses has been a fair share of ladies that seriously doubt that I could possibly be showing before they did, which I've gathered from the comments with a singleton is not this early. Well, with twins, your bump is 6-8 weeks ahead of a single so my slight showing at 11 weeks is right on track.

The jeans don't lie ladies.

And no, it's not because I ate a Paul Bunyon-sized breakfast either. The jeans were on before I tucked in to Gus' cooking.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not at ALL surprised you are a matter of fact, just today when I talked to your mom that was my comment....."I bet she's showing by now". Baby times 'deux' is NOT the standard baby bump!!
